Principal’s Message

Celebrating the Opening of the Primary Village

Dear Parklands Community,

I am thrilled to share the news of the official opening of our new Primary Village on Tuesday, 14th May. This official event was a milestone that marks a significant chapter in the life of our college, and it was a privilege to celebrate it with dignitaries, guests, staff and students.

We were honoured to have Mrs. Dawn Barry as our guest speaker for the event. Mrs. Barry shared the rich history of our property, recounting its heritage as the site of the Park Ridge Primary School and its days as a thriving citrus and chicken farm. Her words provided us with a profound appreciation for this special place and the legacy we are privileged to continue building upon. Mrs. Barry’s heartfelt presentation concluded with a cherished gift to me with a photograph of the property from her childhood. We extend our sincere gratitude to Mrs. Dawn Barry for sharing the history of our site and enriching our celebration with her memories.

We were also thankful for the presence of Mr. Linus Power, MP. The Queensland Government played a crucial role in making the construction of our Primary Village possible through the provision of two generous grants, totalling more than $3.6 million of a total project in excess of $14 million. It was an honour to stand alongside Mr. Power as we officially opened our new facility, marking a significant step in our college’s journey of growth and development.

During the ceremony I acknowledged the vision and dedication of our former Principal, Mr. Johannas Sylomosi. His foresight in expanding to three streams has set us on our current path of growth. Together with our Board of Directors, Mr. Sylomosi envisioned a Parklands equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, laying the foundation for the success we celebrate today.

In the same spirit, I also honoured our beloved Mr. Grant Jakins (Mr. J). His foundational work in our Primary School and the development of its culture have paved the way for future generations. The primary school we have today is a testament to his pioneering spirit and tireless efforts over many years in our primary school.

My heartfelt thanks also go to Mrs. Anne-Maree Kingston and her dedicated staff. Hosting this event in our new Primary School Village was no small feat, and Mrs. Kingston’s meticulous efforts ensured its success. The hard work and passion Mrs. Kingston and her staff put into every detail does not go unnoticed, and we are deeply grateful for your commitment.

As we reflect on this momentous occasion, I am reminded of God’s provision and His unwavering faithfulness. He has been with us every step of the way, guiding us as we grow His school and its community. The opening of the Primary School Village is not just an expansion of our facilities but a testament to the ways in which God blesses those who seek to honour Him.

In the words of Philippians 4:19, “And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus.” This scripture encapsulates the journey we have been on—trusting in God’s timing and provision and witnessing His hand at work in every step of our growth.


Gary Cully
Principal, Parklands Christian College

Head of Senior School

Senior News We are coming to the end of a very busy semester which has been filled with many memorable moments, both in and out …


Head of Senior School

Senior News

We are coming to the end of a very busy semester which has been filled with many memorable moments, both in and out of the classroom, and has included many exciting excursions across many subjects through to major sporting events such as the Athletic carnival. Senior students have also participated in Home Class activities to support their learning and Year 10 have attended the annual Careers Expo at the Brisbane Convention Centre.  All in all, it has been a semester filled with rich learning experiences and we are very proud of our seniors.

Recently, Year 10 students have participated and are continuing this week in sessions with Mrs Lenton, Mrs Schulz and Ms Wallis to assist them in thinking through decisions regarding their future and career. It has been wonderful to have time to meet students and parents (where schedules have allowed this). The recent Careers Expo was an excellent opportunity to explore firsthand various occupations and to receive a range of information about University and Tafe courses through to Apprenticeships and Traineeships and the Defence Force.

We continue to work very closely with all of our senior students and aim to individualise each senior student’s learning pathway to meet their goals and expectations for senior school. We are always pleased to meet and discuss options in person. Should your child in Years 10-12 require some guidance, please contact us at any time through Student Services or via email if we can be of assistance.

At present, seniors are commencing their final semester assessment, which includes examinations for Year 10 and continuous assessment for Years 11-12. It has been a jam-packed semester. Our prayers and blessings are with all students as they finalise their assessments. We pray that all have a wonderful winter holiday break to relax and recharge with family and friends over this time.

Senior Updates & Date Claimers

  • Year 10 SETPlans meetings continue: Week beginning Monday 3rd June
  • Year 11 2025 Subject Choices due: Thursday 6th June
  • Year 10 Careers Week: Monday 10th June – 14th June
  • Winter Holiday Break: Saturday 15th June – Sunday 7th July
  • Opt-in Work Experience: Monday 17th to Friday 21st June
  • Term3 commences (winter uniform): Monday 8th July
  • Secondary Year 7-12 Secondary Parent Teacher Interviews: Tuesday 16th July
  • Years 11&12 Careers Expo: Tuesday 18 July

If you have any questions, we are here to support your child through their senior schooling journey.

Please do not hesitate to contact us via Student Services or direct via email at:

Mrs Liz Lenton: Heads of Careers & VET –

Mrs Kristie Schulz: Head of Curriculum (Secondary) –

Ms Bec Wallis: Head of Senior College


Rebecca Wallis
Head of Senior College

Head of Primary School

Our mission is to care for students through a quality Christian education that inspires them to flourish, to love God and to love others as …


Head of Primary School

Our mission is to care for students through a quality Christian education that inspires them to flourish, to love God and to love others as themselves. As Term 2 draws to a close, I have been reflecting on the many and varied opportunities provided to enhance our students’ intellectual, physical, spiritual, emotional and social development. Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. (Proverbs 22:6 ESV)

Primary Dance and Music Performances at the Fete

Winter Championships Cubing Competition

9 – 12 Year Old Athletics Day

National Simultaneous Story Time

Primary Village Building Opening

World Environment Day Calendar Competition

A special congratulations to Cruz Sharp, who was one of 16 winners out of 1477 entries!

Reader’s Cup

A special thanks to Kathy Whitehead, Andrea Armanasco and Ange Marsh for organising the 2024 Brisbane South Region Reader’s Cup competition which will be held at Parklands Christian College on Tuesday 4 June. We wish our students Jessica Little, Theo Ross, Grace Holland and Daniel Thomas all the best as they compete against students from 19 other schools in the region. Author Kate Foster will be the Quiz Master for the event and will provide a personalised presentation to competing students.

Prep 2025 Enrollments

As we prepare to send out Prep 2025 enrollment offers by the end of this week, I ask you to join me in praying for our incoming prep students and families, as well as for the many who remain on the waitlist. We look forward to welcoming our future preppies to their transition sessions in Term 4 and look forward to sharing in their journey over the next 13 years. If you have younger siblings who are not yet enrolled for future years, I encourage you to complete their enrollment form to secure an interview for prep entry.

Uniform: Thank you For Ensuring Consistency

Parklands staff wear our staff uniform proudly and we ask families to ensure student compliance to the College uniform policy. We believe that wearing a uniform teaches students to dress smartly and take pride in their appearance. You will receive a follow up email if students are not meeting our College uniform policy. Some reminders:

  • As the cooler months approach, please ensure your child is wearing the correct jumper. A reminder that the softshell jacket is the only jumper that can be worn with both the formal and sports uniforms.
  • Haircuts must be neat, tidy and conservative. All girl’s hair that is longer than shoulder length should be tied back with black, red, white or blue hair ties, ribbons, scrunchies or clips.
  • Girls may wear one plain gold or silver stud or sleeper earring in the lower lobe of the earl.

IPSHA Deputies Collegiate

Last Thursday, Parklands welcomed 12 Primary Deputy Heads to our College to share and network. A special thank you to Kristie Schultz and Elizabeth Willman who shared about future-focused learning, providing examples using the amazing work they have been doing with our prep and year 1 students in STEM classes. Thank you also to Justin Crawford who shared about our RTP processes and the importance of effective behaviour learning. Empower Assistance Dogs provided puppy pats and information about the benefits of trained therapy dogs in schools. Thank you Andrea Armanasco for facilitating this event and sharing our wonderful primary school with others.

Vacation Care

Check out our amazing Vacation Care program here. Get in early to avoid disappointment! For all enquiries please contact Celine Clunn on 0478 111 207 or email

Date Claimers

  • Thursday 6 June – P-8 year old Athletics Carnival
  • Friday 14 June – Last day of Term – Fun jumper day
  • Monday 17 June to Friday 21 June – Staff Professional Development Week
  • Monday 8 July – Term 3 commences
  • Monday 8 July to Friday 12 July – NAIDOC week
  • August – Book Month (including a character parade

Thank you for your support as we partner together to provide the best education and care for all Parklands Primary students.


Secondary News

Year 9 The Rite Journey – Picnic Event To kick off The Rite Journey for Term 2, our year 9 students participated in a cohort …


Secondary News

Year 9 The Rite Journey – Picnic Event

To kick off The Rite Journey for Term 2, our year 9 students participated in a cohort picnic to discuss issues and topics impacting young people. After being split up into groups and sharing snacks, the staff read out topics, sparking debates amongst the cohort on a wide range of topics from relationships and behaviours to the online world and gender stereotypes.

Our students shared their thoughts and perspectives with their groups before participating in one on one conversations with their peers. Each student had the opportunity to rotate and talk with someone that they might not socialise with on a regular basis, connecting over common ground or presenting an alternative perspective for the other to consider. While the staff presented topics for the discussions a couple of students suggested their own, which led to interesting comments about trust, respect and technology.

Below are some comments from a few years 9s during and after the event:

‘Can we keep going? It’s actually pretty fun and interesting.’

‘Do we get to do this again next term?’

‘I didn’t think the boys would care so much about some of this stuff, I just thought the girls would….. boys don’t share their feelings enough!’

The Rite Journey team would like to thank Mrs. J Warman, Mr. Essebier, Mr. Ram, Mr. Collie and Mr. Edwards for your support during the event.

Primary News

Prep This term has been buzzing with excitement as we delve into a world of new discoveries and adventures. Our classroom activities have been both …


Primary News


This term has been buzzing with excitement as we delve into a world of new discoveries and adventures. Our classroom activities have been both imaginative and educational, covering a
wide range of topics including:

  • Exploring New Letters and Sounds: The children have been enthusiastically learning their ABCs and developing their phonemic awareness.
  • Engaging with Imaginative and Informative Texts: We’ve been reading various stories and texts that capture the imagination and inform young minds about the wonderful world of animals. We have read stories from multiple Australian authors including Mem Fox and Thelma Catterwell.
  • Understanding Teen Numbers: Our math lessons have focused on mastering teen numbers and early counting skills.
  • Collecting and Analysing Data: The children have enjoyed simple data collection activities, learning how to observe and record information.
  • Discovering Places We Belong: We’ve discussed our community and the different places that make up our world.
  • Learning About the Needs of Living Things: Our science lessons have introduced the basic needs of plants, animals, and humans.

A highlight of this term was our first-ever school excursion to Queen’s Park. It was a fantastic experience for everyone involved! The children had a wonderful time playing in the amazing playground, visiting the various animals in the zoo enclosure, and learning about the environment during an informative talk from the Ipswich City Council.

Thank you for your continued support in making this term a success. We look forward to many more exciting adventures and learning opportunities ahead!

Year 1

What a great month we have had in Year 1! We have enjoyed many wonderful stories, including Sing Me the SummerThe Tiger Who Came to Tea and Amelia Ellicott’s Garden, looking at creating character profiles and diving into the inferences hidden within the texts. We have also been learning about key people in the Bible and their messages, such as Joshua, Samuel and Esther.

In Maths, we have been exploring 2D and 3D shapes as well as enhancing our number knowledge through addition and subtraction, fact families and lots of counting practice. We are excited to be moving onto our last maths topic for the term which will be time.

We have enjoyed lovely walks around the school, discussing the different features of places and how we can care for our environments. Furthermore, we have explored the nature of change within environments, and we have become very passionate about sustainability.

We look forward to seeing you at Chapel in Week 9, when we lead worship!

Blessings from the Year 1 Team.

Year 2

As we bid farewell to May, we’re excited to share the latest happenings from our wonderful Year 2s! It’s been a month filled with learning, creativity and fun.

This month, our students embarked on a fascinating journey all about Our Wonderful World. We zoomed in on where we live and week by week zoomed outwards as we discovered our city, our state, our country and our continent.

Literacy continues to be a delight in Year 2. We love to read all types of books with our peers and are focusing on becoming fluent readers. It is wonderful to see their imaginations soar through the power of literature. Our focus this month has mainly been informative texts but we are looking forward to exploring imaginative genres over the last few weeks of term. Our information reports about Bats were a great success. We are proud of their hard work and dedication.

As we head into the final few weeks of term 2, we continue to be thankful for the privilege to work with your children each and every day. Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to more exciting adventures next month!

Love from the Year 2 Team

Year 3

What a busy and fun month for May! Year 3 showed their leadership skills again this month by presenting the Acknowledgement of Country during the official opening of the Primary Village. There were some very interesting speakers and some Year 3 students also performed in the Choir and Dance Club. Students then got to enjoy extra play time and ice blocks to celebrate and be grateful for our new space here!

Next we celebrated all things sport with those students who are turning 9 years old this year going to the 9-12 years Athletics Carnival. Students had a fun day of sport, participation and of course, food! A big congratulations to two of our Year 3 students, Gabriel Patterson-Scott and Sasha Mackellar who got Age Champions for 9 year olds. Those students who are turning 8 this year will compete in the P-3 carnival in June.

A highlight for Year 3 this month was celebrating the National Simultaneous Storytime (NSS), which this year we celebrated as a whole primary school. Students could come in blue free dress and Year 3 completed a bowerbird craft. All of Primary read the NSS book for 2024 which is called ‘Bowerbird Blues’ by Aura Parker. It was a fun way to celebrate reading and widen students’ appreciation of books and see how reading can be celebrated in many different ways.

Year 3’s favourite unit this month has been learning about fractions and how to represent them in different ways. Students had fun drawing fractions, creating manipulatives of fractions and exploring equivalent fractions both with hands-on activities and on paper.

The month ended with a huge highlight in the school calendar, the school fete. Year 3 performed two amazing items, their musical piece and their fire dance. They looked fabulous and it is always so great to see our students enjoying the fete and be able to serve our community as we all come together to enjoy each other and have fun.

We are all looking forward to finishing our assessment and having some fun before the winter break.

We pray you have a relaxed, safe and healthy holidays. Stay warm and see you back for Term 3!

Year 3 Team
Mrs Renée Imms, Mrs Dayna Davis, Mrs Sue Martin, Mrs Tanya Thompson and Mrs Alisha Scott.

PCC Health Bay

As we move into the colder months, it’s time to gear up against the flu season. Influenza, or the flu, can be particularly harsh on …


PCC Health Bay

As we move into the colder months, it’s time to gear up against the flu season. Influenza, or the flu, can be particularly harsh on children, which is why we want to ensure everyone stays healthy and happy.

We’re excited to inform you that the Queensland Government is offering free Influenza vaccinations for all Queensland residents! This initiative is a fantastic opportunity to safeguard your family against the flu’s potential impact.

Why get vaccinated?

  1. Protect Your Loved Ones: Influenza can be severe, especially for children, the elderly, and those with underlying health conditions. Vaccination reduces the risk of catching the flu and its complications.
  2. Keep Our School Community Safe: By getting vaccinated, you’re not only protecting your family but also contributing to a healthier environment for everyone at our school.

How to access the free flu vaccine:

  • Check with Your Healthcare Provider: Your family doctor or local healthcare provider can administer the vaccine.
  • Community Vaccination Clinics: The Queensland Government has set up various clinics where you can receive the flu vaccine for free. Check with your local health department for details.

Let’s work together to keep our school community healthy and resilient this influenza season. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to protect your family for free!

For more information on the free Influenza vaccination initiative, visit Queensland Government’s website.

Careers and VET News

Year 10 Careers Week and Subject Selections With an impressive turn out for our Year 11, 2025 Subject Information Evening, students are exploring and researching …


Careers and VET News

Year 10 Careers Week and Subject Selections

With an impressive turn out for our Year 11, 2025 Subject Information Evening, students are exploring and researching their career options to make informed decisions for their senior subjects. Students and parents have been welcomed on campus for SET Plan Interviews in preparation for senior subject selections in Week 8.

To aide with students’ research into possible career pathways, Year 10 students attended the Brisbane Careers and Employment Expo in Week 6. They had a wonderful day gathering information and talking with those in their chosen fields. Students and teachers later enjoyed lunch at Southbank Parklands together.

For the Year 10 students, Term 2’s Career Education program will culminate in Careers Week, SET Planning interviews and senior subject selections. Parklands has invested in a number of career exploration and investigation platforms, and excursions aimed to help students identify their strengths and navigate the continually changing world of work and study.

During the term, students and parents were invited to access and use their paid subscription to The Careers Department – an amazingly-well resources Australian site which provides practical help in resume writing and job interviews, through to virtual work experience with real-world professional feedback and career exploration videos, interviews and tours.

During Careers Week in Week 9, students will experience a mixture of relevant career ,development lessons, along with the opportunity to complete their mock job interviews with a senior member of staff, an experience day at #GoHealth Expo, QUT and TAFE Qld Southbank, our very own PCC Careers Networking Brunch with our wonderful alumni and parents, and the use of our Oculus Quest virtual reality headsets with Work Window career exploration capabilities.

It will be a week with rich and engaging career development opportunities for our students to explore and research their careers of interest to them and inform them on their senior subject selections and post school plans.

Student Care and Wellbeing

Mornings, Mountains and Motivation The weather is getting cooler and the mornings are getting darker. You might have added a blanket to your bed, turned …


Student Care and Wellbeing

Mornings, Mountains and Motivation

The weather is getting cooler and the mornings are getting darker. You might have added a blanket to your bed, turned the ceiling fans off and perhaps even prepared the fireplace for toasty winter days. We all agree that at this time of year, it can be much harder to get out of bed! If the sun is not yet up, it’s hard to imagine why we might need to be! Getting up in the morning and getting ready for our day can be difficult and sluggish at times, especially if it’s cold outside. But sometimes getting up, going to school and being ready to learn can mean more than just an extra layer of clothes to keep warm. Sometimes, for students it is hard to get up in the morning. As a Wellbeing Team, we understand that there are many different components that may impact a student wanting to go to school. We also understand that sometimes school can be stressful, with assessments, friendship dynamics, time management and personal organization.

At times, the scales can tip from discomfort to difficulty. For some students, going to school brings about physiological and emotional responses that make routine and motivation seem like a Mount Everest mountain climb. We often see this in the form of sore/sick tummies, frequent visits to the health nurse, wanting to go home, stress and emotional outbursts at drop off time or whilst getting ready for school and argumentative/defiant behaviours relating to school readiness. As a parent it can be stressful trying to negotiate, encourage and prepare your child for school if there are emotional and behavioral barriers in the way. As a team, one of the questions we are constantly asking ourselves when we speak with students is “what is the need behind the behaviour?”

Get curious about your child

When we start to recognise that our child is becoming resistant, emotional or anxious about school, being curious and helping them to identify their own feelings is key. It is important to recognise and understand the underlying causes as soon as possible. If we can provide open, compassionate and safe space for curiosity and conversation, our child is more likely to open up to us about their concerns. The narrative in your child’s mind will be driving their responses. When the child’s amygdala is juiced up and triggered with worry or fear, they may not be able to think rationally or calmly and their behaviour will illustrate some of what is happening inside. One of our favourite books we read through with students is called ‘Hey Warrior by well renowned psychologist, Karen Young. Hey Warrior discusses anxiety and worry in relation to how we feel in our bodies and emotions and how our brain functions through these feelings. It’s a fantastic book that points towards courage and resilience when we are facing hard things.  We have a copy in both RTC rooms and you and your child are more than welcome to come and have a read.

Sometimes the issue is practical. I know my own children have, at times, struggled with early morning wake ups to get to school or training, getting themselves organised or the level of difficulty in putting on specific uniform items. I found that getting all lunches prepared the night before, getting the uniform out and ready and giving my children clear time expectations in the morning, helps them to feel prepared and on track – and it is less for us all to get done each morning too! As they get older, they can have more responsibility to complete these tasks the night before. A practical tool for primary student might include a morning routine poster. An interactive process where they can move task labels to a different spot or tick them off once done can encourage independence and help them feel a sense of control over their mornings.

If your child is struggling to separate from you in the mornings or is tearful and upset, it’s important we are listening to their worries so that we understand. One of the things we can do as parents/caregivers is help our child move through their discomfort. In most cases, the thing they are worried about (being away from and missing you, conflict with a friend, not having their favourite lunch item) is not something that can be eliminated. As parents it is not our job to eliminate all of their worry, but to determine if it is safe for them to move through the discomfort. Avoidance will not take a problem away. Neither will procrastination.

As parents we can engage in helpful (though sometimes difficult) conversations as we support our children to move towards problem solving and courage.

Our children will also pick up on our own anxieties so it helps if we are caring for ourselves and maintaining our own calm so that we can share it with them and be available for them. When it’s time to drop them off we can remind them that we will see them later, that they are with safe adults and they are going to be taking part in some fun learning. Then we take a breath, give them a hug and walk away so they can focus on their upcoming day. We notice time and time again that the longer parents stay around (especially in Prep and the younger grades), the harder it is for children to separate from their parents to go and have fun. Most often, once their parents/carers have said goodbye and turned the corner, any tears they had stop and they are ready for school. If it continues to be a cause of stress for the child, a teacher or wellbeing staff will get involved and engage parents in a discussion about what further support might be needed.

Once we have an idea about a students’ triggers, fears or worries, we can work with them to prepare and equip them. Talking in advance about upcoming assessments, walking them through their upcoming day on the way to school (in small manageable steps), discussing any learning hurdles with their teacher and filling them with encouragement and hope can all impact how they see their school adventure. As parents, through connection and encouragement and our own attitude, we can make a big difference in the lives and perspectives of our children.

If the mountain becomes too big….

Sometimes, the difficulties around getting to or being at school escalate. There are different reasons for this including mental health concerns, health, life transitions, conflict, family issues or other complex issues. When a child refuses to come to school, acts out emotionally or struggles with continuing separation anxiety, it might be time to get more support. When a child starts missing school due to these concerns, it can have a greater impact on learning, development, relationships and self-confidence. When we engage with external support and take a proactive approach it helps to address core issues before becoming entrenched.

Early intervention is key.

There are a number of early intervention supports available to families including the school Wellbeing Team, Heads of Year, other family members and sometimes, mental health interventions such as psychologists or counsellors. There are many strategies available to address the needs of your child. Each child will be walking their own path and have individual needs. Sometimes getting another person/s involved to support, be a listening ear, provide advice or strategies, or determine other relevant factors can help us as parents share the burden that we may feel also. You and your family are not alone in this.

REACHOUT.COM share some valuable tips for supporting your child in this, giving students the chance to learn and practice real-life skills to manage difficult emotions and situations, and to build their resilience across a range of areas:

  • Resilience: Build your students’ resilience with activities designed to explore and build a growth mindset, cope with challenges, bounce back from adversity and increase positive self-talk.
  • Mental health: Increase your child’s knowledge of mental health issues, including anxiety and depression, and their awareness of the support services and help-seeking strategies available to them.
  • Life and school transitions: Help develop your child’s sense of belonging and wellbeing at this crucial time in their lives, with activities around relationship building, self-efficacy and positive goal-setting. Acknowledge change and grief, difficult transitions (starting prep, prep to primary, primary to secondary) and the myriad of emotions felt during these times.

If your child is experiencing any of these things or you are noticing patterns of behaviour or emotional distress, please reach out. You can speak with school wellbeing staff, your child’s teacher or leadership staff. You may like to seek professional advice also.

There are a number of great resources and websites online and we recommend the following:

  • Hey Sigmund – founded by Karen Young, Psychologist
  • Big Life Journal – tools and resources to develop growth mindset, resilience and confidence
  • Hey Warrior – book by Karen Young
  • com
  • BRAVE – book by Lynn Jenkins
  • Kids Helpline
  • Switch4Schools – a tool we utilise at Parklands to gauge emotional wellbeing and encourage emotional intelligence and wellbeing
  • Loving our Kids on Purpose – Parenting course run in Term 1, 2, and 3 which encourages healthy relationships and empowr families to build a culture of joy, responsibility and connection.

PCC Outreach

We Need Your Help – Join Us in Making a Difference: CAMBODIA YOUTH SPONSORSHIP | We’re almost there! Help us reach our goal for the …


PCC Outreach

We Need Your Help – Join Us in Making a Difference:

CAMBODIA YOUTH SPONSORSHIP | We’re almost there! Help us reach our goal for the Cambodia Youth Camp Child Sponsorship Campaign!

Our aim is to have 100 Cambodian village children fully funded to attend our first Youth Camp in Kep, Cambodia. Thanks to the incredible generosity of our College community, we now have 81 children fully covered to attend camp. We’re so close!,

  • For just $250, you can fully sponsor 1 child, which covers:
  • Accommodation
  • Travel
  • Food
  • A beach trip and life jackets
  • Clothes, team shirts, underwear
  • A full soccer kit, including a bibs, ball and drink bottle

Please go to https://parklands-christian-college— to help us reach our goal of 100 children! Can you help us make a difference? Any size donation is a blessing. Let’s make this dream a reality together!

For more information watch this video:

Annual Outreach Gala Dinner and Auction at Albert River Winery

We are thrilled to share the success of our Annual Outreach Gala Dinner & Auction held once again at the beautiful Albert River Winery on Saturday night. A heartfelt thank you to everyone who supported this event! Our Outreach Team and Captains orchestrated a fantastic evening, wonderfully showcasing our Outreach ministries.

So far, we have raised over $8,000 towards sending Khmer kids to camp this December. Please continue to pray for this initiative as we work towards our goal of sending 100 Khmer children to what we hope will be a life-changing camp experience.

The Outreach Gala Dinner is more than just a fundraiser. It is an event dedicated to raising awareness about the needs in our local and international communities and demonstrating how our College has responded through various partnerships and initiatives. Our ultimate aim is to inspire others to get involved in meaningful ways and to always give glory to God for His love and provisions.

One of the evening’s highlights was the auction, our primary fundraising activity. This year, our focus is on raising funds to send 100 Cambodian children from a slum village to their first Christian Youth Camp in Kep, Cambodia. This initiative will have a significant impact, benefiting the children from the village and offering our students the opportunity to develop leadership skills through service.

We are excited to announce that, thanks to the incredible generosity of our College community, we now have 81 children fully funded to attend camp. We’re so close to reaching our goal of 100 children. We are still looking for sponsors. Please consider sponsoring a child for $250, even a donation of $20 is a blessing.

We love sharing the various Outreach projects and initiatives that our students and staff are passionate about. Being the hands and feet of Jesus through love, care, and support is a tangible way to deliver meaningful outreach to our local and international communities. If you are interested in learning about all the incredible Outreach projects our College is involved in, please join us at our Outreach dinner next year.

Thank you again for your unwavering support and generosity. Together, we can make a difference!

PCC Instrumental Music

Psalm 98:5-6 “Sing your praise to the Lord with the harp, with the harp and melodious song, with trumpets and the sound of the ram’s …


PCC Instrumental Music

Psalm 98:5-6 “Sing your praise to the Lord with the harp, with the harp and melodious song, with trumpets and the sound of the ram’s horn. Make a joyful symphony before the Lord, the King!”

We’ve certainly had another few weeks filled with melodious song & joyful symphony! Hopefully you were able to come along to the College Fete & hear all the stage performances – our Primary classes presented fabulous songs under the direction of Mr Justin Goh along with wonderful dances, and all our Choirs & Ensembles performed admirably. Congratulations to all students on such fantastic performances!

Soloist’s Soiree

Our first Soiree for the year, held just 2 weeks before the Fete on Tues 7th May, was also an outstanding success. With just over 30 students performing, there was a variety of ages, instruments & ability levels represented. If you missed it, you missed a beautiful night showcasing both the talent & hard work of our instrumental students & teachers.

Term 3 – What’s Coming Up?

We have a number of exciting performance opportunities for students again in Term 3. The Quota Beenleigh Eisteddfod is happening in week 3, and we have 5 groups competing this year – the Junior Choir, Wind Ensemble, Give It A Go! Band, Petite Strings & Andante Strings. The students are working hard to prepare their music & I am sure they will represent our College well.

Our second Soloist’s Soiree for the year will be held in Term 3 – with the first one being so popular, students will need to register quickly to secure a spot. The date is soon to be released, so watch this space!

Finally, our Give It A Go! Band & Petite Strings will each give a lunchtime concert for our Primary students in the last few weeks of Term 3. These concerts are always a hit with students very keen to hear the music & see all the different instruments we have available to learn, and it’s going to be exciting to see how this works in our new Primary space this year.

Lessons & Rehearsals

All instrumental lessons continue right to the end of the term, including those in the Give It A Go! Programme. If your child has missed a lesson due to a public holiday or teacher illness, that lesson will either be rescheduled for another time or not included on your term 2 account. All Choir & Ensemble rehearsals are in full swing, with the Give It A Go! Band & Petite Strings groups now included.

Ensemble & Choir rehearsal schedule:

Wind Ensemble
(Learning >1yr)
(Yr4 & beginner)
Junior Choir
(Yr 2-4)
Petite Strings
(Yr4 & beginner)
Senior Choir
(Yr 5-12)
Mr Goh’s room
Andante Strings
(Learning >1yr)
Worship Team

Choirs are open to all students regardless of whether or not they’re having lessons, and no experience is necessary. The Give It A Go! Band  & Petite Strings are generally reserved for students in the Give It A Go! Programme and other beginners. Wind, brass & percussion students continuing to have lessons at school will play in the Wind Ensemble, and string students continuing to have lessons at the College will play in Andante Strings. Any other students who have lessons outside the College are also welcome to join ensembles; please contact to enquire about which is most suitable for your child.

Give It A Go! Music Programme

Our 2024 cohort of Give It A Go! students are having a great time so far! Students are beginning to become more comfortable on their instruments and now have weekly Ensemble rehearsals as well as their lessons – this is an exciting time in our Give It A Go! Music Programme! If you or your child are interested in joining in, please check the details below.

Instruments on offer in the Give It A Go! Band Programme include:

  • Flute
  • Clarinet
  • Saxophone
  • Trumpet
  • Trombone
  • Euphonium
  • Percussion (includes drums, auxiliary & mallet percussion)
  • Violin
  • Viola
  • Cello
  • Double Bass

There are a number of ways to be part of our growing Instrumental Programme – here’s how your child can be involved:

  1. Give It A Go! Band Programme – Year 4 students only

This is a one year beginner programme for Year 4 students, giving them the opportunity to learn a woodwind, brass, string or percussion instrument in small groups during school time. There is a one-off $400 levy for the year which covers all lessons & band rehearsals, a tuition book & use of a school instrument for one year. Some places for this are currently filled, however we do have a number of vacancies across most instruments. If your child is in Year 4 & would like to be involved, please contact us at

  1. Private lessons

Private lessons are available for piano, guitar, drum kit, voice, most woodwind & and all brass & stringed instruments. Weekly lessons are scheduled mostly during school time, & fees are billed by & payable directly to the instrumental teachers at $36/30mins or $24/20mins.

  1. Shared lessons

Shared lessons are available for all of the above instruments except piano, guitar & drum kit. Lessons are again scheduled mostly during school time, & fees are also billed by & payable directly to the instrumental teachers at $23/30mins for a Group of 2 or $16/30mins for a Group of 3, pending availability.

Enrolment forms can be downloaded below, and are also available by emailing

02 PCC Instrumental Tuition Program guidelines and enrolment

PCC Cubing Club

Cubing Club On Friday 10th May 2024, PCC hosted the Winter Championships Cubing Competition for 2024. We had a huge 39 competitors from Years 1-12. …


PCC Cubing Club

Cubing Club

On Friday 10th May 2024, PCC hosted the Winter Championships Cubing Competition for 2024. We had a huge 39 competitors from Years 1-12. The competition included 3 events, the original cube, the 3×3, the 2×2 and the pyraminx. There was a mix of beginner and experienced cubers all coming together to compete. At this competition we even had a parents/teachers round where we got to see our mature cubers’ skills.

It was a fabulous night of fun, food and fierce competition. It is so amazing to see each competitor improve each competition! I also love seeing new people catch the Cubing bug and start their cubing journey at these events.

A HUGE thanks to all our volunteers, we couldn’t do it without you. Thank you to our judges Ang Moodie, Cara Gray, Megan Harwood, Pollyanna Morris, Katrina Morris, Tanya Thompson, Miranda Powell, Liz Willman, Anne-Maree Kingston, Katie Martin, Melissa Bayer, Renée Imms Steele Gray and Julie Koplick. Our amazing record keepers, Angela Marsh and Kelly Clausen. Our speedy runners, Sue Martin and Janine Smith and last but not least, our scramblers, Ebony Davis, Taimen Leau and Alex Davis. A massive thank you to Jeff Kingston from Snapshot Images and Photography who took our amazing photos on the night! Thank you to Geof Greentree for engraving our medals and for Mel Sampson who does all our designing and signage. Thank you also to Anne-Maree Kingston and Jess Grounds who presented our awards on the night. A special thank you to Cara Gray who supplied the display timers which made the competition all the more interesting and competitive! It takes so many people to organise and run such a big competition and we are so grateful for all the people who make these competitions possible.

We are looking forward to doing it all again in October for our 2024 Summer Championships Cubing Competition. We are also excited to host our very first Interschool Speedcubing Competition on Friday the 9th August 2024 at PCC!

If you are inspired to become a Cuber yourself, come along to the Cubing Club that suits you. Tuesday mornings from 7.30am-8.20am is Staff Cubing Club, for any PCC staff, Wednesday mornings from 7.40am-8.20am is Secondary School and Parents Cubing Club. On Tuesdays during second break is Primary Solvers Club (for all Primary students who can already solve the 3×3) and on Thursdays during second break is Primary Learners Club (for all Primary students who are learning to solve the 3×3).

The event results are posted below. Last but not least, a huge thank you to all our families who support their students to come along to Cubing Club and to attend Cubing Competitions. None of our students would have achieved what they have without your support and effort.

Can’t wait to see you at a Competition or weekly Club soon!

Cube on,

Mrs Dayna Davis
PCC Cubing Club Coordinator


The Friendlies

The much anticipated annual Parklands Fete has now passed and it was such a wonderful event for our school family and the broader community to …


The Friendlies

The much anticipated annual Parklands Fete has now passed and it was such a wonderful event for our school family and the broader community to come along to. The rain went away at the perfect time and created for a beautiful afternoon.  Many came along to enjoy some time together while watching the children perform, choosing what delicious food they would eat, trying their chance at one of the games – the lob-a-choc is always a favourite, wandering through the range of market stalls and enjoying the thrill of the carnival rides.

How awesome was the State Fair! Being the first year for the event, we had some amazing entires and I  loved checking them out, as I’m sure many others did as well. All entries were fantastic and we look forward to more entries again next year.  If there was anything holding you back from entering this year that we could change/help with for  next year,  please let us know.  The State Fair is all new to us and we are keen to keep it going and make it better as we go.

Thank you to everyone who helped out in the lead up to and on the day.  Without every single one of those people who took time out to help, the event couldn’t have happened as well as it did.  I know those helping out on the friendlies BBQ were having a fun time amongst each other while getting the job done, it was enjoyable to volunteer with you all, so thank you.

Our next event is the Bush Dance.  If you have never been to one of our Bush Dances, I highly recommend getting along to this year.  It is a night filled with good old country music, dancing, the highly anticipated thong throwing competition and much more.  Come dressed up (or not) in your best country clothes and dancing shoes.  So lock the date into your calendar now the evening of 27 July 2024.

A reminder that you can contact the friendlies at should you have any suggestions, queries or requests for yourself or someone else that may need some assistance.

Parklands Christian Church

Parklands Kid’s Church During our time in kids church this month we delved into some powerful lessons with our young ones: the impact of our actions …


Parklands Christian Church

Parklands Kid’s Church

During our time in kids church this month we delved into some powerful lessons with our young ones: the impact of our actions on others. Through stories and activities, we explored how even the smallest acts of kindness can create ripples of positivity that reach far beyond.

Our children learned that a simple smile, a helping hand, or a kind word can brighten someone’s day and spark a chain reaction of goodwill. By emphasizing empathy and encouraging acts of service, we’re nurturing compassionate leaders who understand the importance of making a difference in their communities.

Together, let’s continue to teach kindness and empathy in our children, knowing they have the power to create a brighter, more compassionate world.

If you would like to know more about the fun things, we get up to in Kid’s church contact Angela Marsh via

Angela Marsh and The Parklands Kids Church Team

ROAR Youth

Uniform Shop Hours

Normal Trade Uniform Shop Hours (School Days Only) Mondays 8.00am – 10.00am Tuesdays 2.00pm – 4.00pm Thursdays 2.00pm – 4.00pm Uniform Shop Location Address/Parking: 24 …


Uniform Shop Hours

Normal Trade Uniform Shop Hours

(School Days Only)
Mondays 8.00am – 10.00am
Tuesdays 2.00pm – 4.00pm
Thursdays 2.00pm – 4.00pm

Uniform Shop Location Address/Parking:

24 Hillcrest Rd, Park Ridge Qld 4125 (located on the left hand side, at the end of Hillcrest road).

For further information:
Phone: (07) 3380 4256

Uniform Shop Facebook Page/PCCUniforms

Purchase Uniforms Online




Tuckshop news The tuckshop is open EVERY day, Monday-Friday! Secondary Students please note all hot food purchased from the Tuckshop needs to be preordered online. …



Tuckshop news

The tuckshop is open EVERY day, Monday-Friday!

Secondary Students please note all hot food purchased from the Tuckshop needs to be preordered online.

There is an opportunity for parents to contribute to the life of the school by volunteering their time in the tuckshop.

The tuckshop has been growing since moving to the new facility and with growth in sales we would really love your help!

Please contact our Tuckshop Convenor, Marie Rushin, on 0422 637 370 or email

New Tuckshop Ordering System

Our previous tuckshop ordering program QuickCliQ has been superseded by My School Connect. Online ordering through QuickCliQ will be disabled on the 1st of June, your account will remain open until you close it and any existing funds will also remain until refunded. If you still have funds remaining in your QuickCliQ account you can refund them by following the steps in the guide attached (How to request a refund of Account Balance in QuickCliQ.pdf).

If you are yet to to get started with My School Connect, please follow these steps:

1. Login to the PAC App on mobile or desktop
2. Navigate to Tuckshop or links then Tuckshop
3. Follow the prompts to access My School Connect, check your child’s details and you’re ready to start ordering.

Tuckshop Menu 2024



Community Notices

Sharks Camp July registrations are now open! Join us and our team of talented coaches for a four-day volleyball camp designed to cater to athletes …


Community Notices

Sharks Camp July registrations are now open!

Join us and our team of talented coaches for a four-day volleyball camp designed to cater to athletes of all skill levels. The camp includes opportunities for new players to find a love for the sport and pathways for elite development for experienced players looking to get into club and state-level teams.

About the Camp
The Dates: 2nd July | 3rd July | 4th July | 5th July
Location: South Brisbane – Mansfield, 4122; Gold Coast – Southport, 4215
Age Group: Grade 4 – 12 students
Time: 9.00am to 4.30pm!

4 Days. 300+ athletes. Heaps to learn.

Check out our website for more information!

Bibles Wanted

A Parklands family has recently moved into full time ministry work and are taking a trip to Vanuatu in May to meet with the brethren there. They are looking for second hand children’s bibles and story books – if you have any that you would like to donate please contact Student Services for more information.

Logan City Council Pool Safety Education Program

Swimming Pool Safety Checklist

Park Ridge Panthers FC

In Sync Kids OT have a satellite clinic within Parklands Christian College providing private Occupational Therapy Services specifically to students of the school. In Sync Kids Occupational Therapy specialises in sensory integration and neurodevelopment. This satellite clinic is provided on the Parklands Christian College campus.

Our Occupational Therapists have gained a Bachelor of Occupational Therapy or similar degree and work in the clinic-based and school-based settings with children of all ages and a wide range of diagnoses. Our therapists are empathetic and motivated, with a passion for working collaboratively with children and families towards meaningful goals while having fun.

For any additional information regarding Occupational Therapy services, please contact Business Support Team on or call 3028 9400 and feel free to look at the In Sync Kids OT website for more information

Speech Therapy at our College

Does your child experience difficulties in any of the following areas?

  • Comprehension
  • Oral Language expression/talking
  • Written Language
  • Reading & writing/literacy
  • Listening and following instructions
  • Grammar
  • Spelling
  • Voice
  • Stuttering
  • Socialising and friendship
  • Behaviour

If so it may be the result of an underlying speech and language difficulty. Speech Pathologists study, diagnose and treat communication disorders, including difficulties with speaking, listening, understanding language, reading, writing, social skills, stuttering and using voice. Speech Pathologists assess and provide life improving treatment, support and care.

Michelle Sparg is an independent, mobile, private certified practicing Speech-Language Pathologist with 24 years of generalised and highly specialist experience having worked with Kindy, Primary and Secondary Students.

Michelle Sparg, a certified practicing Speech-Language Pathologist, is in her 9th year of working successfully at our school alongside students, parents, teachers and learning support staff to maximise learning potential within the classroom.

For further information on this highly valued service currently offered at our College, please contact Michelle Sparg on or 0435492716.

Tae Kwan Do

Moon Lee Tae Kwon Do classes have started up again in the school hall (BSC) on Mondays 3.30 – 4.30 pm.

New students and previous students are welcome.

  • First class Free
  • Family Concessions
  • Value Packed Family Activity
  • Over 50 clubs in Brisbane Area
  • Free Uniform offer (this month call now!)
  • Character Traits instilled in students from learning Tae Kwon Do are: Modesty, Perseverance, Self Control, Indomitable Spirit, Self Defence, Physical Fitness

For more information phone the instructor, Colin Garrick (8th Dan Black Belt 45 years experience teaching)  Ph: 0438 865 800 or the Club Office: 1300 101 303

Free Dental Care