Primary News

Year 1

Year 1 have had a fabulous kick-start to Term 2! We were all excited to jump straight into our learning and have enjoyed being back from the holidays so that we can experience many more lasting memories together. We have been exploring seasons and the weather, participating in some really rich conversations about how our world works and just how incredible God’s creations are. We’ve studied clouds, gone on nature walks, created artworks and enjoyed many books and videos to grow our knowledge.

In Maths, we have been practicing using ten frames to help us skip count by 10s, as well as learning how to collect and display data. We’ve become excellent at using tally marks and can count collections faster than a flash.

Colour Run was definitely a highlight and everyone was full of laughter as we raced around the track getting as colourful as possible. Thank you to all our amazing families and friends who came to cheer us on, and for all the donations that we know will make a huge difference!

Until next time,

Blessings from the Year 1 Team

Year 2

Hello! It has been a fun-filled start to term 2 for Year 2!

The Colour Run was a wonderful, super exciting afternoon for our first week back. The children were full of energy as they ran through the course several times, laughing and enjoying themselves as they were sprayed and squirted with colours galore!

We have spent some time learning more about informative writing and are soaking up many interesting facts about the creatures we are researching. The children have been learning the difference between facts and opinions and are beginning to create their own written reports.

Math has been an area for us to stretch our thinking as we delve into reading quarter past and quarter to the hour time on both analogue and digital clocks. Practice makes perfect!

Last week, we also commemorated ANZAC Day with our class and our school. The children reflected on what ANZAC Day means to them and we looked at the important meanings behind symbols connected to the ANZACS.

We are excited to see what the rest of term 2 has in store for us and look forward to sharing more with you all soon.

Until next time, take care!

Year 2 Team

Year 3

Year 3 had an exciting April this year! A huge highlight for our Year 3’s was the opportunity for them to lead the ANZAC ceremony for the lower Primary school. Some students were in charge of speaking at the front, other students acted like ambassadors and other students sang in the choir. All of the students stepped up in these roles and set an amazing example to our younger students. Even those students who didn’t have an official role impressed us with their leadership skills by showing how to be respectful and responsible to the younger students. It was an excellent experience for all of Year 3.

We all had a blast at the Colour Run! The older students got to show their running skills in Cross Country and earn a point for their house and all of Year 3 got to have fun and raise money for a great cause. Of course all of the students loved to watch our heads of school get slimed!

Year 3 have enjoyed getting outside for our Science unit this term. We are studying living and nonliving things and have had multiple opportunities to observe, collect, sketch and sort living and nonliving things around us.

Dance has been fantastic! Year 3 have been working with an outside agency to choreograph and learn a dance which will be performed at the fete. They are enjoying learning new things and having new opportunities for showing what they learn.

We are looking forward to getting into more of our learning as we enter the middle of the term. We also can’t wait for the fete! Thanks for the way you support your students day in and day out during the term, we appreciate you!

Year 3 Team

Mrs Renée Imms, Mrs Dayna Davis, Mrs Sue Martin, Mrs Tanya Thompson and Mrs Alisha Scott

Year 4

Year 4 has enjoyed an event filled start to the term. We were so impressed with not only our students’ athletic abilities but also their sportsmanship. Our students encouraged, helped, and cheered each other on throughout the day. The Colour Run was so much fun. A great celebration to finish our fundraiser with.

The students also visited St Helena and for many students it was a first. First time on the island and first time on a boat. Students learnt about the penal colony built in the 18oos. I think every student agrees being a prisoner in the 1800s was awful!  

Many of our students also participated in the Music Retreat. What a wonderful way to encourage the students on their music journey. From all accounts, the students thoroughly enjoyed the days, and the end performance was fantastic. 

Interwoven amongst all the events students have begun their term classwork. This term the students are delving into the author’s toolkit and working out how they weave their stories in narrative writing. In mathematics students are focusing on a variety of topics including angles, fractions, and the language of chance. 

It has been an awesome start to Term 2!

Blessings, Miranda, Julie, Janine and Alicia.

Year 5

It has been a busy start to the term for our year 5 students! It started off with a great deal of excitement for the annual cross country. They ran and cheered each other on with immense enthusiasm and enjoyed the tug of war. We were all thankful for the beautiful weather. The day finished off with the bright and exciting Colour Run. It was so great to see students running and smiling through the course for such a great cause. Dance was another sensational addition to this term’s curriculum and such a fantastic way to warm up on the cooler mornings we’ve been having. Finally, we celebrated ANZAC Day with a moving and heartfelt assembly. Amongst all this fun, we have also begun our Persuasive writing unit in English, an Operations unit in Maths, Democracy in HASS and Adaptations in Science.

From Mrs Edwards & Mrs O’Callaghan