Principal’s Message

Dear Parklands Community,

What a fantastic beginning we’ve had to this term! It has been truly exciting to witness the flurry of special events and activities that our students have engaged in since returning from the Easter holiday break. Our school community is buzzing with activity, which a testament to the enthusiasm of our staff and students.

I would like to extend a special note of appreciation to our student musicians and singers who participated in our recent Music Retreat and Concert. This event was a resounding success, thanks to the talent displayed by our students and the incredible support from our staff and parents. We are indeed fortunate to have such gifted individuals at Parklands.

Additionally, I must commend our students and staff who led our ANZAC Day services. It is a profound honour to be part of an institution that deeply respects and commemorates our ANZAC tradition, pausing to honour the memory of our soldiers, past and present. I am incredibly proud of the reverence and leadership shown during these services.

Thank you all for contributing to such a dynamic start to our term. Let’s continue this momentum as we move through the 2024 Academic Year.

As the winter season approaches, it is common for colds and other illnesses to become more prevalent among our students. We understand the challenges that working families face, especially those with dual incomes, when a child falls ill. However, we must prioritise the well-being of all our students and staff by preventing the spread of contagious illnesses.

We kindly request that if your child is feeling unwell, please keep them at home until they are completely symptom-free. This measure is crucial not only to ensure the speedy recovery of your child but also to safeguard the health of their classmates and our staff.

At Parklands Christian College, our health bay is well-equipped to provide excellent care to our students during the school day. Our dedicated staff are trained to dispense necessary basic medications, attend to injuries that may occur in the playground or during educational activities, and manage ongoing medical conditions. However, when it comes to contagious illnesses, the ethical and practical solution is to prevent exposure.

Sending an ill student to school can lead to further spread of germs, impacting more families and disrupting academic activities. Thus, we urge you to consider the broader community by keeping your child at home if they exhibit any signs of illness.

We appreciate your cooperation and understanding in this matter. Together, we can ensure a healthier environment for everyone at Parklands Christian College.

Gary Cully