The Friendlies

All the kids have loved helping to take care of our environment recycling all their poppers, bottles and cans. The recycling bins onsite are for all our staff, students and visitors to use. You are also more than welcome to bring in any of the approved recycling items and place them in one of our allocated bins. Together we can help the environment and raise money for valuable resources for our school. This project can only be made possible with all of your help! Let’s join together and recycle!

We had the opportunity to hold another Bunnings BBQ last month. We are so blessed to have an amazing team who are always more than willing to give up time on their weekend to be out serving our community. A big thank you to everyone who was able to help. Thank you again to Greg and Sarah Tinson who kindly donated 100 cans of soft drink and all the sliced onions. Sarah and Greg are parents of students at the school and owners of several Dominoes stores. They are always more than happy to support our events, we appreciate them greatly.

The Friendlies held our annual general meeting last month. It is with great pleasure to announce our office bearers for 2020:

President: Angela Marsh
Vice President: Nicole Lowe
Secretary: Claire Dover
Treasurer: Renee Jackson

Congratulations to our 2020 office bearers and thank you for volunteering for another year of serving our school community. We have been quite overwhelmed by your continual words of encouragement, and the way our school community has come together to support each other. Thank you all for fully supporting all of our events and fundraisers!

Our next meeting date will be announced at the start of the new year in 2020.

Keep Smiling

The Friendlies Team